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March 3, 2025

A Detailed Look into ADVERBS and When to Use Them

Adverbs are yet another tool in the writer’s repertoire. And while a strategically placed adverb can add to a description, other times it can detract. In this way, adverbs are the most volatile type of word.

Merriam Webster or other dictionaries may give you a more fanciful definition, but this is what it boils down to for writers.


Some are more common than others.


The most punctual adverb.


Level of urgency can also be determined by this type of adverb.


When used correctly, A of Ts almost always grant the reader necessary information.


The wandering adverb.


These adverbs don’t just go places, they lead other words to their proper destination.


Fun Fact: Dr. Seuss’ Green Eggs and Ham consists almost entirely of adverbs of place.


The valedictorian of adverbs.


These adverbs are intense, like that handsome stranger eyeing you from across the coffee shop.

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