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March 3, 2025

A Detailed Look into ADVERBS and When to Use Them

A common question for an A of D. Does it add new, interesting information or can it be nixed?




They determine the likeliness of something happening, not unlike Nostradamus or Amy Freeze, your local weather lady.


These adverbs are more finite in time and space than the others on the list.


The Pennyworth adverb.


Not all LY words are adverbs of manner, but almost all verbs modified with LY are.


Notice how they do provide extra information. That’s not the problem.


Adverbs can remain in your writing if they can’t be expressed in a more descriptive way. Most of the time, they can.


There are exceptions to the general adverb rule for sake of brevity when brevity is necessary.


Or talk talkingly?

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