Your book is important to you, as it should be. If it isn’t, you might want to reconsider this whole writing thing. And because your book is some precious, the overall quality of your work should also be of the utmost importance. And while there are multiple, often time-consuming, steps in the editing process, one of the earliest and most important involves getting your relatively polished manuscript in the hands of a few beta readers.
It isn’t always easy to draw from the writing well even though it’s never truly empty.
Get the story out of your head and onto paper before your greatest ideas can escape. Worry about the fine-tuning later.
Writers seem to always enjoy talking about writing—in movies, anyway.
Manuscripts are a constant war between logic and imagination and that sweet spot right in the middle.
A good writer is able to admit when their story is lacking. There is an importance in being earnest.
Please be kind to your Beta, and treat them how you’d like to be treated.
Sometimes gods aren’t even gods.
The heck you say?
And it’s best to take them one at a time.
Nobody is asking for perfection except for you. (And that will come later)
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