There are only a few ways to murder your story before it has a chance to blossom. Almost everyone can creating a compelling enough premise to entice a reader long enough for them to sample the story. If the premise is interesting enough, the story might be able to keep some readers’ interests despite a number of storytelling mistakes. However, a data/info dump is so dreadful because it has the capacity to murder even the most interesting sounding tale.
Data/Info is the life-essence of your story.
Some stories that do this and are still successful—most aren’t.
Yes we want to know, but we don’t want to hear long lists.
There are some things you simply don’t talk about.
If you would be so kind.
I now have a ton of questions about Terry—and that’s a good thing.
The allure Terry once possessed, has long since faded.
Remember, you’re telling a story, not phoning the police.
It often takes time, introspection, and planning to determine the best moment to start a story.
The ending is often the clearest moment in the author’s head. This begs the question: which starting moment will give this ending the most poignancy?
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